Something Special
It's always fun to weave something special - especially if I know the person I'm weaving for.
My friend Kevin asked me to weave a shawl for his wife Margaret for their 30th wedding anniversary. Thirty years! I was at their wedding - I couldn't possibly be that old!
Thoughts And Things
Where does the creative process begin? For me, I find it can come from either a thought, or a thing.
A Crazy Idea
I get these crazy ideas sometimes. You know those old movies: "Let's put on a play!" "My uncle has a barn we can use!" Yeah, that kind of crazy idea.
Too much mohair!
Sometimes another set of eyes is what is needed.
Last night my friend Ercil stopped by for dinner. She asked how my current project was going. I told her that it wasn't - I was stalled out. "I think it has too much mohair!"
Purples, blues and greens
Although my garden can't compare to Giverny, and I have no water lilies - just one small fountain - looking around, I have some of the water lilies colors in my yard.
Order out of chaos
Some people thrive on chaos. I am not one of them. I like order - everything in it's place. I also enjoy creating order out of chaos. That, in a fundamental way, is what weaving is about.
Weaving in the Garden
The weather this weekend was nearly perfect for weaving in the garden. The goal was to finish a group project that was started last year and was put on hold until the weather was warm and dry enough to set up the warp weighted loom on the patio.
A Weekend Warp Weighted Loom Project
We had from noon on Friday until noon on Sunday to weave the header band, tie the heddles, weave and finish off the shawl.

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- Liturgical weaving
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- Prayer shawl
- Rainbow Stole
- Rigid heddle loom
- Scarf
- Shawl
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- Spring
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- Tallit
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- Warp-weighted loom
- Weaving
- Weaving Studio
- Women
- Wool