Green on green
The view from my loom is my small back yard - my cloister garden, I call it…
Cough Suppressant
Ever since I was a kid, I've gotten sick with a bad cold or flu during spring break. That really cuts into your fun, let me tell you…
Washed clean
A couple of weeks ago I drove up out of Santa Paula into Ojai for the first time since the Thomas Fire…
Happy New Year
Growing up in Pasadena, New Year's Day was all about the Roses.
Although I rarely watch the parade on TV, I generally honor the spirit of the day,..
View from the loom
It's a beautiful spring day, and I'm inside weaving. Fortunately, I have a loom with a view.
Purples, blues and greens
Although my garden can't compare to Giverny, and I have no water lilies - just one small fountain - looking around, I have some of the water lilies colors in my yard.
Weaving in the Garden
The weather this weekend was nearly perfect for weaving in the garden. The goal was to finish a group project that was started last year and was put on hold until the weather was warm and dry enough to set up the warp weighted loom on the patio.

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- Liturgical weaving
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- Rigid heddle loom
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- Warp-weighted loom
- Weaving
- Weaving Studio
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