à la belle étoile
Under the beautiful stars, out in the open, in the evening - dining outdoors, taking an evening stroll, sleeping outside. Just the time when a light wrap, a romantic shawl, might be called for. Magical time.
The raison d’être behind Belle Estoile style is for everyone to feel beautiful, special and unique - magical.
Fashion Scarves and Wraps
In a world of mass-produced fast fashion, a chance to slow down and stand out.
One of a kind. One at a time. Never exactly the same way twice.
Generously sized and designed to drape beautifully.

Handwoven for Worship
Prayerfully woven and hand-finished clergy stoles, vestments and paraments.
Tallit for Jewish worship.
From the curtains of the tabernacle, to the veil that was rent in two, and the hangings on the lectern.
From the garments of Aaron the High Priest, to the garment without seam, to the stole of the minister and the chasuble of the priest.
A continuity of cloth woven with care and dedication to the glory of God.
Here’s a brief video of how I got started weaving and why I weave today.
Esther Benedict,
Designer and Weaver
I always knew I would weave.
From the time I got my first potholder loom as a child I was enchanted with taking thread and making it into cloth. I grew up hearing stories about my great-grandmother Hattie, who supported her family in the late 19th and early 20th centuries by weaving rugs in the large attic of the house where my mother would grow up.
The dream of weaving took back seat to schooling, working, marriage, until one day I found a spinning and weaving shop near me, and signed up for my first weaving class. And so twenty years after my first loom, I finally got myself a real, grown-up loom. That was over thirty years ago. I still use that loom nearly every day.