“Pharaoh harden his heart”
“Pharaoh hardened his heart.” Those are the words that I woke up thinking today.
Sure, when the plague hits it’s all “pray to the Lord for me, Moses.” And Moses does. And things get better for a while. Then it’s “Pharaoh’s heart was hardened.” Again.
Blessed Are Those That Mourn
The thing about saying to someone “I’ll pray for you,” is you’d better do it right away, lest you get busy and forget. Also, when the tag line for the worship items you make is “Prayerfully Handwoven,” you’d better do that too.
Confessions of faith
It was just 13 days after a gunman had opened fire in a synagogue in Pittsburgh, killing 11 worshippers and injuring 7 others. It was 80 years to the day after Kristallnacht.
We stopped while the security guard apologetically checked our handbags…
On the fringes
She had no business being there, and she knew it. By law and custom, she should be at home. Not just at home - alone. As she had been for the last 12 years…
One foot in front of the other
So I’d just finished photographing the tallitot that I've been working on, when Bruce comes in with his iPad in hand to tell me that there's been a shooting at a synagogue in Pittsburgh…
A prayer for weaving
I sat down to start weaving on the tallit the other night - finally! What is the appropriate prayer, I wondered, for starting to weave? Treadle, the shed raises …
Rending of garments
Trigger warning: This story deals with sexual assault.
It was quite a week. First a few, then a flood, on our social media feeds. #metoo #WhyIdidntreport. Each story unique, and also sickeningly familiar…
Tradition! (Sort of...)
I’m excited to be making tallitot (prayer shawls) for these two lovely ladies for their upcoming B’nai Mitzvah celebration. It’s always fun to work with clients to design something that incorporates their ideas with my design aesthetic.

- #Garden
- #Hand Dyed
- #Rainbow
- Advent
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- Clergy Stole
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- Dye studio
- Dyeing
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- Hand-dyed
- Handwoven
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- Liturgical weaving
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- Prayer shawl
- Rainbow Stole
- Rigid heddle loom
- Scarf
- Shawl
- Silk
- Spinning
- Spring
- Suffrage
- Tallit
- Voting
- Warp-weighted loom
- Weaving
- Weaving Studio
- Women
- Wool