Cough Suppressant
Ever since I was a kid, I've gotten sick with a bad cold or flu during spring break. That really cuts into your fun, let me tell you…
Gone Silent
Looms can be noisy beasts. Depending on which loom I’m using it either clicks and clacks or thumps and bangs. For the past couple of weeks, I just can’t bear the idea of the noise.
Can’t do attitude
Sometimes I demonstrate spinning in public places. It might be part of an historical reenactment, or a craft fair or some other public event.
When I do, inevitably at least one child will come up and ask “can I try?”
Being Human
I have to admit, I’m not really sure about this “Maker Movement” business (and it really has become big business, which is ironic, considering its origins). All of a sudden I’m hearing the word “maker” everywhere, and reading about “maker fairs” - and I’m like “making what?” So I Google the term, and I get this…

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