Happy New Year
Growing up in Pasadena, New Year's Day was all about the Roses.
Although I rarely watch the parade on TV, I generally honor the spirit of the day,..
Another year, another day
A Sunday, pretty much like all others. A new day, a new week, a new year. Full of possibilities.

- #Garden
- #Hand Dyed
- #Rainbow
- Advent
- Anthropology
- Bible
- Chickens
- Christmas
- Clergy Stole
- Communion
- Creativity
- Design
- Dye studio
- Dyeing
- Easter
- Family
- Garden
- Good news
- Gun violence
- Hand-dyed
- Handwoven
- Lent
- Liturgical Weaving
- Liturgical weaving
- Maker
- Mass-shooting
- My Word
- Navajo
- New Years Day
- News
- Ordinary Time
- Pentecost
- Persistence
- Prayer
- Prayer shawl
- Rainbow Stole
- Rigid heddle loom
- Scarf
- Shawl
- Silk
- Spinning
- Spring
- Suffrage
- Tallit
- Voting
- Warp-weighted loom
- Weaving
- Weaving Studio
- Women
- Wool