Dreaming of Ordinary Time, Part 1
The Christmas season is drawing to a close, a new weaving project is pulling me into Ordinary Time. I think all of our hearts are longing for some ordinary time.
Ordinary / Not Ordinary
The calendar tells me that it’s Ordinary Time. The green of my garden glimpsed through the blinds of my studio window, and my weaving confirm this. But the time does not feel ordinary…
Green on green
The view from my loom is my small back yard - my cloister garden, I call it…
Christmas in July
When I was a little girl, in the summer, at Vacation Bible School, we would celebrate “Christmas in July.” There would be an artificial Christmas tree, and we would make handmade ornaments…
Weaving for the Resurrection
I’ve been walking in the wilderness the last couple of weeks. Like the ancient Israelites, my mood has been alternatively despairing, angry, resolute, back to despairing. My nights have been sleepless and more than a few tears have been shed…
All the colors of the rainbow
It seemed odd to be weaving vestments on this day when all of the altars are stripped bare. Tomorrow they will be ablaze with white, but today, surrounded by vigilants in silent prayer, the altars - wood for the cross or stone for the tomb - are not softened with any fabric.
Rainbow Days
The most beautiful rainbows I ever saw were at Bryce Canyon National Park. My family was camping during the summer monsoon season. Most days the afternoon thunder showers would provide welcome relief from the heat of the day. But this day the rain started early and kept on steadily.
A Promise
My first exposure to the story of Noah and the flood was in first grade Sunday School. I don’t recall the exact details, but I’m fairly sure it included flannel animals going two by two into a flannel-graph ark. What I do remember clearly is the end of the story. The teacher told us how God put a rainbow in the sky as a promise that He would never again destroy the earth with a flood.
For such a time as this
I wove on the red Star of Bethlehem stole last night, the news playing in the background.
Red is the liturgical color symbolizing the presence of the Holy Spirit. It is worn at Pentecost, at ordinations, confirmations and on the feasts of martyrs. As I wove, the words of a modern hymn repeated in my mind.
I never saw a purple star…
Sometimes I pray when I weave. Sometimes I sing. Sometimes I hold weird, random conversations with myself. Like this…
Weaving in prayer and penitence
Today I started weaving the purple Star of Bethlehem stole. It seems appropriate on this day to weave in the color of prayer and penitence.
The Color Purple
So, Moses is up on the mountain with God. He’s been there for forty days. This is when he gets the stone tablets with the ten commandments. But in addition, God gives Moses some very specific instructions on the construction of a place of worship - the Tabernacle.
This is where the story gets truly exciting - if you’re a weaver.
In praise of Ordinary Time
Ordinary time is underrated. You know the time I mean, the days that are routine - work, house-work, school-work – whatever your routine happens to be. A block of days where one day melds predictably into the next, busy, yes – these days who’s not? – but busy in a predictable way.
Days of Wind and Fire
Here in southern California, we understand the power of wind and fire. Two weeks ago, wind stirred up a fire just north of here in Santa Barbara. Hundreds of homes were lost in the fire. Fire is part of our natural landscape, it burns away old, dry brush and gives a chance for fresh new growth to come with the winter rains.
Thoughts on Dyeing
Taking breaks from weaving the white stole, I’ve been dyeing the yarn for the red and purple stoles. I admit it, I am no great shakes as a dyer. In fact the red warp started out as a failed dye experiment.
Weaving in Ordinary Time
I’ve always wanted to try my hand at liturgical weaving, but since my dad, the preacher, retired long before I started weaving, I never really had a reason to.

- #Garden
- #Hand Dyed
- #Rainbow
- Advent
- Anthropology
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- Christmas
- Clergy Stole
- Communion
- Creativity
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- Dye studio
- Dyeing
- Easter
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- Hand-dyed
- Handwoven
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- Liturgical Weaving
- Liturgical weaving
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- New Years Day
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- Ordinary Time
- Pentecost
- Persistence
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- Prayer shawl
- Rainbow Stole
- Rigid heddle loom
- Scarf
- Shawl
- Silk
- Spinning
- Spring
- Suffrage
- Tallit
- Voting
- Warp-weighted loom
- Weaving
- Weaving Studio
- Women
- Wool