A Crazy Idea
I get these crazy ideas sometimes. You know those old movies: "Let's put on a play!" "My uncle has a barn we can use!" Yeah, that kind of crazy idea.
One of my crazier ideas was to hold a sheep-to-shawl event - but all the spinning would be done on spindles and we'd use a warp weighted loom. And we'd teach people, many of whom had never held a spindle or shuttle before, to do it.
My dear friend Ercil wrote an article about this project that was recently published in the summer edition of Spin-off magazine. I've blogged about my loom and this particular project in the past, and I won't repeat what was covered in the article here.
All in all, over forty people participated, with a gratifyingly large amount of enthusiasm from everyone involved. Here's a picture of the finished shawl, being modeled by Bjo Trimble: