Just a taste….

“Are you looking for a new hobby?” the Sponsored Post in Instagram asked.  The picture showed a group of smiling 30-something blond women.  They were gathered around a table filled with crafting supplies, ready to dig in.  It was an inviting scene, although I must wonder how my 60-something self would fit in.

I have never in my life gone looking for a new hobby.  

Hobbies lean across from you in a bar and urge you to just try a taste, as they draw lines of white powder that isn’t Splenda on the tabletop with your credit card.

Hobbies hit you over the back of the head and then drag you by the hair into a quaint shop filled with skeins and cones of yarn, and bags of fleece on the floor, and charming spinning wheels for you to try.  Locked up in the back room, you find yourself writing a check that equates to your entire year-end bonus for a piece of equipment that will take up a whole room of your house.  Then the sinisterly helpful shop owner smiles as she leans across the counter and says “You’re going to need a warping board.  And may I recommend a bobbin winder?”

And that’s just how it starts…

Scraps of red, green, purple and gold handwoven fabric.

Scraps from my clergy stole designs. I’m thinking - crazy quilt?

Esther Benedict
I always knew I would weave. From the time I got my first potholder loom as a child I was enchanted with taking thread and making it into cloth. It took another twenty years, though before I finally got myself a real, grown-up loom, and another twenty years after that for me to decide to make weaving part of my livelihood. I enjoy most fiber arts, including spinning, dyeing, sewing and embroidery, as well as weaving. I haven't give up my day job - I'm still a law firm administrator, as I have been for about thirty years. I like working for lawyers - they're smart, demanding people who keep me on my toes. I keep them organized. I live in Oxnard, California with my husband Bruce, a dachshund named Rosie and a Siamese cat called Bijou.

The news - again


Receiving and Blessing