2019 Word for the Year - "Walking"
“Do justice,
love kindness,
walk humbly with your God.”
Show me your ways, oh Lord.
This is my daily, sometimes constant prayer. Doing justice, loving kindness - these are fairly easy to understand, if not always east to put into action. Walking humbly with God - this one I have struggled with. What does it mean? How to put it into action?
Last year, while weaving a set of prayer shawls, I had a realization, an epiphany, if you will (it’s coming on to that time of year). Walking humbly with God - for me anyway - means to walk the path put in front of me. Not to seek challenge, or greatness, and certainly not glory. Just to put one foot in front of the other.
Sometimes walking leads to beautiful places…
Sometimes to scary places…
West Rim Trail, below Angels Landing, Zion National Park, Utah
www.flickr.com/photos/henrikj/ (CC BY-NC 2.0)
To places filled with 700,000 new friends….
To places that are lonely or sad…
www.flickr.com/photos/usdagov/ (CC BY 2.0)
At each step, looking left and right for opportunities to be just and kind.
And if I get a few more steps on my FitBit, that’s good too.