Weaving in Ordinary Time

I’ve always wanted to try my hand at liturgical weaving, but since my dad, the preacher, retired long before I started weaving, I never really had a reason to. 

A few weeks ago we learned that our Pastor is being transferred to another church. It’s a Methodist thing called “the itinerancy” and, being a preacher’s kid myself, I know it means picking up and moving every few years. I’ve decided to weave a set of liturgical stoles as a special gift for Pastor Walt.

This also gave me a chance to think about the significance of the colors associated with various times of the Christian year and to choose weaving designs that are appropriate to the seasons, as well.

For the ordinary days -
the not-short-enough days of winter and the dragging days of summer,
Green to remember that our Shepherd will provide fresh pastures to nourish us,
and still, cool waters to refresh us.

For the days of wind and of fire –
Red to energize, to sound the alarm –
be ready for the gifts of the Spirit!

For the days of anticipation –
Royal purple - you have been called by the High King
to be His steward, and to lead His people in preparation for His coming.

For the days of exhaltation –
White for the blazing light of the star and the angels at the tomb –
He is with us!

For all the days, the grace to say:
“This is the day that the Lord has made.
I will rejoice and be glad in it!”

I decided to start with the white stole, since the yarn doesn’t need to be dyed for this one. The pattern I’m using is called “Star of Bethlehem.” I thought this would be an appropriate design for the white stole, since white is the one worn at Christmas.

My weave-along music is Handel’s Messiah recorded by the Chicago Symphony. What beautiful and inspiring music to accompany liturgical weaving! I can’t sing along, though, and still keep track of the treadling.

The finished stole needs to be 110 inches and I've got less than 15 - I'd better get back to weaving!

Weaving a white clergy stole on a loom
Esther Benedict
I always knew I would weave. From the time I got my first potholder loom as a child I was enchanted with taking thread and making it into cloth. It took another twenty years, though before I finally got myself a real, grown-up loom, and another twenty years after that for me to decide to make weaving part of my livelihood. I enjoy most fiber arts, including spinning, dyeing, sewing and embroidery, as well as weaving. I haven't give up my day job - I'm still a law firm administrator, as I have been for about thirty years. I like working for lawyers - they're smart, demanding people who keep me on my toes. I keep them organized. I live in Oxnard, California with my husband Bruce, a dachshund named Rosie and a Siamese cat called Bijou.

Thoughts on Dyeing